Tuesday 12 February 2013

Closer Today

12th February - the same 1w Casp flew in again at 2:45pm, just as I had to leave!  Luckily, it was much closer today, so a better record shot follows:

This is definitely the third different 1st winter Casp in 2013 to grace the pit, all photographed, plus an unphotographed adult.  If you go back a few months in 2012, there are a further 3 that I can think of, so Caspian Gull is certainly coming to the pit in good numbers at present - a direct result of Hedgerley landfill no doubt - I shall try and put together a photo essay of these - I do enjoy seeing Casps!  But are we missing the second and third winters? I would like to think not.

I counted all 8 Pintail today, 6 males and 2 females and also counted 182 Gadwall, as they were mostly in open water - a very impressive total for this site and I'm sure there were other uncounted birds lurking out of view.

The Snipe seemed to all be out feeding in tight groups on the remaining spit - 94 birds - again very impressive for this site.  Otherwise, as I said yesterday, it's all seeming a bit samey and we could do with some more interesting arrivals.

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